Every business, large and small, but especially those with an online presence, uses content in one form or another. Whether they have websites and blogs, social media accounts, advertisements, videos, audios… it’s all content. The phrase “content is king” is true. Content is used everywhere. 

There’s no doubt, content is here to stay, however, the way we write content is changing. At the time of this writing, AI tools are popping up all over the web. As a content producer, you want to be aware of the many options available and their different uses. 

From researching and outlining to writing and optimizing, there are an overabundance of AI-powered tools available. If used correctly they can help writers create high-quality content quickly and effectively.


But what exactly are these tools, and how can content writers use them to their advantage? This insider’s guide aims to answer those questions and more. We’ll explore the most popular and effective AI tools for content creation, as well as tips and best practices for using them effectively. Whether you’re a seasoned content writer looking to streamline your workflow or a newcomer to the field looking to get ahead, this guide has something for you.

Let’s dive in and discover the exciting world of AI-powered content creation!

Benefits and Pitfalls

Before we look at the different types of AI tools available, let’s look at the advantages and disadvantages of using AI tools for content generators. 


1. One of the biggest advantages of using AI tools is the time-saving aspect. By automating certain tasks, such as research or editing, writers can streamline their workflow and complete their work more quickly. This allows you to take on more projects or spend more time on the creative aspects of your work, which can lead to better-quality content.

2. Another benefit of using AI tools is its ability to enhance the quality of the writing itself. You’ll find many AI-powered tools are designed to analyze content for things like readability, grammar, and structure. They also give you suggestions for improving your writing. This can help writers produce higher-quality content, whether it’s for a blog post, social media post, or marketing campaign.

3. AI tools can help you optimize your content for search engines, which is crucial for driving traffic and engagement to the content. SEO optimization can be a complex process, but with AI tools, writers can easily identify keywords, analyze their content for relevance and readability, and make changes as needed to improve their SEO rankings.

4.  AI tools can help level the playing field for writers. With AI tools, writers can produce content that is more professional and polished, without requiring the same level of expertise or experience that may have been necessary in the past. This can help new writers break into the industry and compete with more experienced writers on an equal footing. 

5. Writers who use AI tools are better able to maintain a consistent voice and style across their content. By using tools like tone analyzers or style checkers, writers can ensure that their content adheres to their brand guidelines and maintains a consistent tone and voice.

6.  AI tools can help level the playing field for writers of all skill levels. With AI powered content generation tools, even novice writers can produce high-quality content that is professional and polished.


1. While AI tools are great at certain tasks, at this time, they lack the ability to use emotions and creativity in the same way that humans can, although they are quickly moving in that direction. For example, AI tools may be able to identify and correct grammar errors, but they can’t replicate the nuances of human language and expression. This can lead to content that feels robotic or sterile. 

2. There is a risk for some writers to take shortcuts. Using AI tools for research or ideas is good. But a problem that might arise comes from writers who don’t fact check the information given. They simply use it as is.

AI content needs to be edited and fact checked for accuracy and clarity. Many ai programs also repeat phrases that need to be reworded or eliminated.

3. Ethical / Legal concerns as to the rights to the content. Many are concerned with who owns the content or the legalities of using the content. Although no laws have been enacted yet, be aware there may be laws about who owns the content.

4. Plagiarism can be an issue as well, especially since there are no laws outlining things. Some AI programs pull information they find online to build the content.  This information as is, may be considered plagiarized. Again, it’s important for writers to review the information, use plagiarism checkers and to edit anything that might be questionable.   

As long as you are aware of the pitfalls of using AI tools and not try to shortcut the process, the benefits may outweigh the disadvantages. Overall, the benefits of using AI tools as content generators are clear: they save time, enhance quality, improve SEO, and level the playing field for writers of all skill levels. 

Now we’re going to look at the different ways you can use Artificial Intelligence tools or software in your own writing.

Ways to Use AI to Write Your Content


As a content writer looking to use AI for content creation, there are several ways you can leverage the technology to enhance your writing process:

1. A common way to use artificial intelligence is for idea generation. This can be done by generating ideas for content based on your target audience, industry trends, and popular topics. With just a few keywords or a general topic, you can get relevant suggestions and ideas from the AI.

2. You can use AI to identify relevant keywords for your content. As a result, your organic traffic will increase, and your search engine rankings will improve.

3. An AI-powered tool can analyze your content and suggest improvements, such as enhancing readability, fixing grammar and punctuation mistakes, and optimizing your content for search engines.

4. Artificial intelligence can help you expand on a topic or idea by providing you with suggestions, facts, and data points.

5. AI can summarize long articles or reports and present the most important information in a concise way.

6. Using translation services powered by artificial intelligence can help you translate your content into multiple languages and make it accessible to a global audience.

7. In addition to your own writing, AI can help you curate relevant content from other sources to complement it.

8. AI can help you create personalized content based on your audience’s preferences and behavior. The user experience can be improved thereby engagement rates will be increased as a result.

9. You can use artificial intelligence to analyze the sentiment of your content, which will help you ensure that your tone aligns with what your target audience wants and expects.

10. Detecting plagiarism with AI tools is a great way to ensure that your content is original, as these tools check your content against an extensive database of existing content and identify any plagiarism.  Even if you only use a few of these methods of using AI, you can enhance your content creation process, save time, and produce high-quality content that resonates with your target audience.

Top AI Tools for Writing

Now that you know the advantages and disadvantages of using AI tools, you might be wondering which ones to use. As of March 2024, there are several AI writing tools available that can help writers to generate content faster and more efficiently.  We’ve researched many for you. Here are some of our top AI writing tools:


Ink is an AI writing tool that can generate up to ten articles per month for free, which is more generous than most other AI writing tools. The tool also offers professional and enterprise plans for more advanced features at $49 and $119 per month, respectively. 


As a result of its impressive features and high-quality output, Jasper is widely regarded as the best AI writing assistant. Content writers who need to create articles, essays, or other types of long-form content can benefit from Jasper, an AI writing tool for creating long-form content. Writers can use the tool to generate topic ideas, structure their content, and even do research on the topic.

By using seed words, users are able to generate phrases, paragraphs, and entire documents based on their subject matter and tone. Jasper is capable of producing 1,500-word articles in mere seconds thanks to more than 50 AI templates, including blog posts, marketing copy, and SEO meta titles and descriptions. Some of Jasper’s notable features include over 11,000 free fonts and 2,500 writing style categories, support for 25+ languages, an intuitive interface, long-form writing assistance, and the ability to identify key elements in text.


Copy.ai is a tool that specializes in copywriting, making it an excellent resource for content writers who have to create material for ads, social media, product descriptions, or other marketing purposes. Through the use of artificial intelligence, the tool analyzes the target audience and generates content more likely to engage them.


Content writers can create more persuasive content with Anyword. The tool uses AI to analyze the language patterns of the target audience and generate content that is more likely to persuade them. Writers can also optimize their content using insights and data analytics.


Write fiction with Sudowrite, an AI writing tool. With this tool, writers can generate ideas, plot lines, and character development for their stories using AI. Writers can also utilize the tool to improve their stories using insights and data analytics.


In addition to producing high-quality copy for many situations and languages, Writesonic is an AI writer that can generate copy in various languages. In addition to its ease of use, the tool is excellent for marketing content.


Using Rytr, writers can create high-quality content at an affordable price. You will be able to generate content, write copy, and even translate your content with the help of this tool. Starting at $29 per month, the tool is also relatively affordable.


It was launched in May 2020 and is widely available through OpenAI as a language prediction model. The model can assist content writers in creating more coherent, understandable content. Although GPT-3 is not itself a tool, it can be integrated into a variety of AI writing tools and platforms to enhance their functionality.

Overall, there are many AI writing tools available that can help writers generate high quality content more efficiently. Depending on the writer’s needs, preferences, and budget, different AI writing tools may be more suitable than others.

Let’s look at specific areas next.


There are several AI tools that can help in the research phase of content writing.  The research phase is where you gather all the information you need on your topic. You might have some general ideas to start with, but you’ll need to do some digging to find the details that will make your content interesting and informative. This could involve reading books, articles, and online resources, or even conducting interviews with experts in the field. One way to make this phase faster is to use artificial intelligence tools.

Aside from the tools already mentioned, here are a few more:

genei pro: This tool offers high-quality AI assistance with multi-document summarization, search, and question answering. It is also powered by GPT-3, one of the most advanced language-based AI models.

QuillBot: It is an AI-powered writing assistant that helps users enhance their writing by offering suggestions, paraphrasing, and generating alternative sentences. It can be used to improve the clarity, coherence, and fluency of written content across various contexts, such as academic papers, business documents, and creative writing projects. QuillBot utilizes advanced natural language processing algorithms to provide intelligent suggestions and improve the overall quality of written communication.

Remember, each of these tools might be better suited for different types of content or different stages of the writing process, so it’s worth considering your specific needs when choosing an AI writing tool.


The outline phase is where you put your thoughts into a logical order. Most of the tools mentioned will give you an outline. They help create a structure for your content based on the input you provide, which can make the writing process more efficient. Give it detailed prompts of what you need so you get a good outline. 

Here are two more worth checking:

Frase: Frase is an AI powered content optimization tool designed to assist content writers, marketers, and SEO professionals. It uses natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms to analyze and optimize content for search engines. Frase offers several features that can help improve content quality and SEO performance from blog outlines to content generation to paraphrasing.

This can help you get started on your writing project quickly and easily.

Writing The writing phase is where you create the content. Using AI tools helps you create the basic foundation while you add your own human personality to it. 

Aside from the above-mentioned tools, other AI tools helpful during the writing phase includes:

Grammarly: This is a popular grammar checker for English that is available as a free download. In addition to spelling, punctuation, context, grammar, passive voice, and sentence structure, it checks for errors. It will make recommendations for vocabulary. You can even check for plagiarism.

DeepL Write: This is an AI tool that assists with writing by identifying mistakes and suggesting improvements in grammar and punctuation. It can help you rephrase sentences and improve your overall writing quality with just one click.


The rewriting phase is part of the editing process. With AI rewriters, you can rewrite existing texts or create completely new ones from scratch. Anyone who needs quick, easy, and efficient content creation can use these tools. 

Among others, we’ve given you 5 more AI rewriter tools: 

Spin Rewriter is another widely used and respected rewriter tool that offers a range of features and a user-friendly interface. The tool offers a free trial, with paid subscriptions available for more advanced features.

Chimp Rewriter is a comprehensive rewriter tool that offers advanced features such as content spinners, auto-grammar correction, and bulk rewriting. The tool offers a free trial, with paid subscriptions available for more advanced features.

WordAI is a sophisticated rewriter tool that uses artificial intelligence to generate high-quality rewritten content. The tool offers a range of features and a user-friendly interface, with paid subscriptions available for more advanced features.

• The AI-based Wordtune writing companion is a writing editor software and a Chrome extension that helps writers rephrase their sentences in various ways while maintaining the context of the original sentence. 

Ubersuggest’s Paragraph Rewriter. With Ubersuggest AI writing technology, your entered text is carefully scanned and rewritten into fresh, original content. It is easy to use and powered by artificial intelligence, so you will be able to rewrite anything you want.


The optimization phase sets your content up for success in the search engines. There are several AI tools that can help you including many already mentioned. Another one to check out is Surfer SEO. 

Surfer SEO – is a tool designed to help optimize written content, like blog posts and articles, for search engine optimization (SEO). It operates by analyzing a page’s content against over five hundred on-page signals, and it includes a built-in keyword research tool. When using AI to write your content it’s a good idea to combine different tools to get the best outcome. For instance, using a tool for research, one for outlining or creating content. Then using another for rewriting and checking grammar.

Ethical Use

Using a rewriter tool ethically involves several considerations, including ensuring that the rewritten content is unique and not plagiarized, giving proper credit to the original source material, and avoiding the use of the tool to create content that is misleading or inaccurate.

Here are some tips on how to use a rewriter tool ethically:

  1. Understand the purpose of the rewriter tool.
  2. Rewriter tools are designed to help you generate unique content from existing sources.
  3. They should not be used to simply copy and paste content from other sources without proper attribution.
  4. Use the tool to generate ideas, not copy.
  5. Instead of relying solely on the tool to create content, use it as a starting point for generating ideas and inspiration for your writing.
  6. Verify the accuracy of the rewritten content.
  7. Always double-check the accuracy and credibility of the rewritten content before publishing it. Make sure that the content is factually accurate and does not misrepresent the original source material.
  8. Give proper credit to the original source.
  9. If you are using the rewriter tool to rewrite content from another source, be sure to give proper credit to the original author or source material.
  10. Use the tool sparingly and judiciously.
  11. Avoid using the rewriter tool to create large amounts of content, as this can lead to ethical concerns and potentially lower the quality of the content.

Ultimately, using a rewriter tool ethically involves using good judgment and common sense, as well as following industry best practices and guidelines.

Templates and Resources

We know a lot of this is new to you. That’s why we created some templates and resources to help you navigate through the many AI tools popping up every day.

We’ve included:

  1. Best Practices for Using AI to Write Your Content Cheatsheet
  2. Content Planning Checklist
  3. Using AI to Write Content Worksheet
  4. AI Writing Style Guide
  5. AI Tools Resource List

What’s Next

Using AI to help you write your content helps you become more proficient in the task. These tools can help you produce ideas and create an outline for you. They can help with the research and rephrasing of content. And they can help you optimize your content for better search results. 

There are many benefits to using AI tools. One of the main benefits is the time saving factor. You can do all your research, ideation, creation and rewriting quickly. Once all these are finished, you are left with fact checking and editing to add your own human touch to the piece.

We’ve shown you how, as a content writer, the different ways you can leverage AI to assist you in the content creation process. These include:

  • Content Generation
  • Grammar and Proofreading
  • Content Optimization
  • Language Translation
  • Content Research
  • Content Personalization

Remember, while AI can be a valuable tool for content writing, it’s essential to review and edit the output to ensure it aligns with your desired style, tone, and accuracy. AI is most effective when used as a supporting tool to enhance your writing process rather than replacing human creativity and judgment.

In the end, embracing one or more of these tools can help you create content faster and help you improve your own writing skills.

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Maria Lorena Assistant Professor II

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